Current games!

😸~Current Games~

~Follow the adventures of many different games all at your fingertips~
  •  Animal crossing New leaf~follow the adventures of Tobelle (me) in Totown, the rapidly growing home to ten lucky animals!
  • Pokémon Sun~ Even though I've already beaten this one, ill still post updates on certain things, such as events, shinys, title defends, and updates.    
  • legend of Zelda sires~ I LOVE Zelda. its probable my favorite games, winch is ironic since I've only played since march of 2016. Any ways, ill be playing titles like wind waker, majoras mask, ocarina of time, triforce heros, breath of the wiled(3.3.17), and twilight  princess (date pending)
so yeah! im sure there are a lot more games im not thinking of but if they come to mind ill add them to the list!